Lawyers are always on the rush with piles of pending cases growing rapidly on their desks. To handle such situations, they have to be extremely careful and selective with their cases. Personal injury lawyer sydney often sift through and take up particular cases because chances of their success are relatively higher and they are thus able to finish the case on time. However, often times attorneys refuse to take on particular cases and that can be due to a multitude of reasons.
We have gathered for you a list of situations where lawyers might refuse to take on a personal injury case.
Unable to Pay Expenses
Did you know that most personal injury situations are taken on a contingency fee basis, which basically means that your lawyer invests a significant amount of time and energy in a case with no guarantee that they will get paid for their efforts. In such situations, the attorney only gets paid when they collect the judgement. Sometimes, your lawyer may pay for certain expenses associated with the case if it goes to trial. From paying to take depositions, copying documents that will be used as evidence later, preparing exhibits and even paying medicare experts to provide valuable information relevant to the case, the lawyer will have to look after all these incurring expenses.
In cases where these expenditures exceed and are too much to pay off, the lawyer may decide to reject the case altogether.
Time Consuming

Time is money. This saying holds true for lawyers as they usually deal with piles of other cases that might have more potential of success than yours or may be less time consuming, promising better results. In such situations, personal injury lawyers analyze the amount of time that they will have to invest in a case and if it is feasible for them.
Personal injury cases requires evidence, medical reports and sometimes even witness accounts so they may take a while. In circumstances where the cases may take a long time, lawyers may also not receive the money in due time so they are less likely to handle such cases.
Other Lawyers Refused Your Case
Believe it or not, lawyers value the opinions of those in the same field so if your case passed through the eyes of other lawyers and they rejected it, your current personal injury lawyers may also refuse to take the case. Not only does it indicate the position of your situation, but it also gives off the impression the case may take a lot longer than expected and may not have the potential to succeed. Clients rejected by previous attorneys are red flags for newer attorneys and it might also make you come off as someone who has difficulty sticking to one professional. Some lawyers may consider this as a warning signal, effectively discouraging them from taking on your case.
Inadequate Damages
The money awarded in a personal injury cases entirely depends on the damages suffered by the plaintiff. These may include a variety of damages such as medical expenses, lost earning capacity, property damage, mental pain and suffering, etc. Attorneys primarily want to know if they can justify the time, energy and resource investment they will have to spare for your case and that is ultimately gauged through the level of damage suffered. It is important to keep in mind that such cases are handled on a contingency fee basis so your lawyer will get their due amount after the verdict or settlement. Inadequate damage lessens the chances of the financial award and may cost additional time so attorneys may be discouraged to pick up your case.